Come one, come all to the second coming of McGriddles to Singapore once more. Taste distinct maple flavour in bun-sized pancakes surrounding sausage and egg, and discover a new breakfast favourite with McDonalds.
…or so they’d like you to think.
Years ago my companion and I shared our first McGriddle at the behest of a wonderful friend on the wild roads of Florida, via a drive-through in preparation for a lengthy-ass drive that Americans think nothing of. The one we ate was pleasant but not very remarkable – the buns were soft but gently firm, like the English muffins of its breakfast burger sibling, and had the faint sweet taste of maple.
The McGriddle was brought to our attention again here with its Singaporean introduction, and it went out in two days. This time we jumped on it on the morning of this wave’s release. McDonalds delivered some poor soul’s really specific McChicken instead (I hope you got your McChicken with bacon and no sauce, wherever you are), but after another hour’s wait, we finally got our McGriddles.

First off, we regretted getting one each (worthwhile for the order minimum though), because it got increasingly sweet with each bite. Secondly, the McGriddle was nothing like the one we ate in Florida, which is a good thing because we’d have gotten terribly carsick.
This Singaporean second-wave McGriddle pancake had the gummy soft consistency of Chinese peanut pancake-kueh, distinctly feeling and tasting like it had been completely soaked and steamed in maple sauce. The dark patches that weren’t anywhere as prominent on its far-flung Floridian cousin oozed maple sweetness when you got to the middle of it. The experience is very sweet-savoury with the regular egg and sausage combination.
If you have a strong sweet tooth, you’ll like it – but those who aren’t as keen on heavy sweetness may find it too cloying, like my companion. I’m OK with it but did prefer some ketchup on the side to lean into more savoury territory.
Max rates 3/5, interesting but your mileage may vary. I hear that some buns aren’t as saturated (both of ours were) so you might want to prepare yourself for differing maple and texture intensities.