About & Ratings

Max Rates mostly (but not limited to) local food and lifestyle to inform decisions, maybe even yours!
I review these in a way I wish someone else had, before I spent money and regretted it.

Max is a copywriter by profession, critic by nature. All my ratings are solely, and will always be, my personal opinion. My taste preferences lean less sweet, favouring strong, and/or complex flavours.

My ratings system is the Again Gauge, put in place since 2022, spanning:
Worst: Never Again, the extreme end of distaste
to Best: AGAIN! with Feeling, the extreme end of desire
…with varying ‘Agains’ in between, depending on whether I would want to eat/visit/experience again.
See this post for a break-down of my rationale.

At my photo-taking disposal are a mirrorless Canon DSLR, and an iPhone. iPhone photos are labelled as such, and the rest are with my DSLR.

I don’t have any compunctions accepting offers to review and rate things, provided said offers don’t attempt to predetermine my ratings.

Otherwise, I’m always open to offers for my day job – copywriting for B2C, B2B marketing, technical documents, legalese.

Please contact Max at max[at]maxrates.net (wow) for any inquiries.

Thank you very much for visiting.