The second half of March brings a turn of tastes at Aqua S, heralding a new fruity flavour will drive you nutty! (Yes, the other flavour is nuts. Pistachio.)
…or so they’d like you to think.
To be honest, we aren’t particularly into these flavours in the first place, so if you do like them as concepts, this mightn’t be the review for you. However, if you’re on the fence or just like us, it certainly is.
We got a sample of both before getting down to business and the grape was
first-in-first-out in terms of tasting. People were definitely eating it by the cup without the twist, but man – this was super sweet and super artificial. It had such distinct medicinal and sugary tastes combined that I’m pretty sure I had to contort my face back into respectable neutrality once it hit my tongue. Unless you’re really into drug-store bubblegum grape, I strongly advise staying away.
Max rates 1/5.
The pistachio was basically OK and we almost walked away, but as slaves to social decorum we bought one with the twist. And it was still basically OK.

Pistachio had a mildly sweet and nutty flavour with the creamy soft serve – I felt like it had a little olive oil flavoured edge, but it’s a nut, so that’s no surprise. It’s not an exciting flavour – from online reactions, people who like pistachio are wild about it, but we aren’t, and were not. So this review is for everyone on the fence.
Max rates 2.5/5, there’s nothing especially wrong with it but definitely nothing exciting.
We’re hoping to be less unenthused for the next couple of weeks.